Scripture Reading: Shemot (Exodus) 12:17-14:31
My favorite part:
Exo 12:47 "All the congregation of Yisra’ĕl are to perform it.
Exo 12:48 "And when a stranger sojourns with you and shall perform the Passover to יהוה, let all his males be circumcised, and then let him come near and perform it, and he shall be as a native of the land. But let no uncircumcised eat of it.
Exo 12:49 "There is one Torah for the native-born and for the stranger who sojourns among you."
I finally got my invitation to Ravelry today--yay! My user name there is Tuppence.
So far, I've posted only 1 project--the black Jackyll & Hide--and I'm still in the process of looking at and reading about everyone else's Jackyll & Hides. It's so great to be able to look at the same project done by so many other people and see how different they all are.
I can see that it's going to take me some time to explore and get my notebook set up, but it looks like it will be a lot of fun along the way.
I'm still trying to figure out who I want to root for in The Amazing Race. I definitely find the Mutt and Jeff couple offensive. They are always whining or saying ugly things about the other racers AND each other! I call them the Mutt and Jeff couple because often he appears to be twice her height. Apparently their real names are Jennifer and Nathan.

She's continually wondering outloud, "Do I really want to spend the rest of my life with him?" Hmmm, let's see, he's already cheated on you, he speaks to you and about you with contempt. Gee, I don't know, maybe?

The guy in this couple, Jason, appears to be competent race-wise as well as being even-tempered and nice, but with her shrieking and complaining, his girlfriend looks like she might give ol' Flo of Flo and Zach from TAR 3 a run for the most irritating female ever on The Amazing Race.

We were thinking it would be cool if we could shuffle the teams and pair up nice laid-back Jason with equally nice and sweet Christina since her father has been acting like a jerk and making her cry.
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