Scripture Reading--Rosh Chodesh 9:
Bemidbar (Numbers) 28:1-15
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 66
Kefa Alef (1 Peter) 2:4-10
Rosh Chodesh Sameach! (Happy New Moon Day!)
Reveling in Ravelry: I'm still getting acclimated to Ravelry and finding my way around and how to add my projects and all that stuff. I can see how people get addicted. I'm trying to pace myself, but since I had the day off for Rosh Chodesh, I indulged as much as possible.
Dancing With The Stars: I think the best dancers left are Mel B and Helio. It would be nice if Jenny could get an award for making the most progress; that sure speaks a lot for Derek's teaching skills. While I really like Marie and Cameron, they just aren't cutting the mustard (or should that be cutting the rug?). They just aren't in the same league with Mel and Helio, or even Jenny in my opinion. I should probably hope for a Cameron cut tonight so I won't have to endure my husband lusting after Edyta anymore.The Bachelor: It's down to Jenni and DeAnna. I don't think I've ever been correct on my picks for the final one standing on this show. They always seem to pick the one I don't think they're going to pick. So, if that pattern holds true, Brad will probably pick DeAnna because it seems to me like he's going to pick Jenni. DeAnna seemed rather nasty in some of the interactions with the other women, and her pal McCarten continued the nastiness on the reunion show. DeAnna also seems very dry and unemotional in her interactions with Brad. She says what he apparently wants to hear, but her words seem discordant with the rest of her manner. Jenni seems like a sweetheart for the most part, but her insistence on doing the year of dancing in Phoenix may be a problem for Brad, who seems more than ready to get married and start a family. My husband's pick was DeAnna from pretty early on (before they showed the nasty interactions with the other girls), so maybe he picked up on something right away.
Dexter (Episode 7): I think Dexter is going to end up having to kill the new psycho in his life, Lila. Apparently her whole agenda from the beginning was to get Dexter, and it doesn't look like she's going to let Rita and the children stand in her way. I'm guessing that her obsession with Dexter and possessiveness will accelerate until he sees her as a danger to Rita and/or Rita's children. Since Dexter's merely attending Cody's school presentation resulted in her burning up her own place, I'm sure there are even more Lila fireworks to come. As far as Debra and Lundy, I just can't buy it, not believable. Of course, it's hard to believe any man could find her potty mouth and manly mannerisms attractive, though. Absolutely loved Dexter's final scene with Doakes! "Because I own you." Dexter is so smooth.
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Mostly TV Musings
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