About Me

Arizona, United States
I'm a work-at-home mom who enjoys the beautiful sunsets here in the high desert.

My Designs

For the free patterns for these afghan squares I designed for My Reading Afghan, click here.

My Recently Completed Projects

On The Hook

Ravelry CAL Afghan 1 in progress
Ravelry CAL Afghan 1

Ravelry CAL Afghan 2 in progress
Ravelry CAL Afghan 2

Ravelry CAL Afghan 3 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 3 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 3

Ravelry CAL Afghan 4 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 4 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 4

Ravelry CAL Afghan 5 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 5 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 5

Ravelry CAL Afghan 6 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 6 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 6

Ravelry CAL Afghan 7 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 7 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan--Flower Burst 7ARavelry CAL Afghan--Flower Burst 7B
Ravelry CAL Afghan 7

Ravelry CAL Afghan 8 in progress
Ravelry CAL Afghan 8

Ravelry CAL Afghan Blocks:
Dream Catcher
Cross My Heart
Chocolate Delight
Flower Burst

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Ten On Tuesday--Least Favorite Celebrities

Click on the button here or in the sidebar to participate.

  1. O.J. Simpson. Have you found the 'real' killer yet, O.J.?
  2. Jane Fonda. She'll always be Hanoi Jane to me.
  3. Michael Jackson. I wouldn't let him anywhere near my kids.
  4. Mike Tyson. Taste any good ears lately?
  5. Tom Cruise. Quite possibly certifiably insane--that Scientology video of him was scaaaarrrry.
  6. Rosie O'Donnell. How does she offend me? Let me count the ways.....
  7. Julia Roberts. That awful laugh and helping herself to someone else's husband.
  8. Brangelina (Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie). Can't think of anything concise to say--there's just so much.
  9. Alex Trebek. I'd know all the answers, too, if they were on the cards in my hand.
  10. Pretty much any and all rappers. I refuse to call them 'singers' or 'artists'.


Sheeshintx said...

Great list. Many that I did have on mine too. It is sad these young girls have been thrown into this with not much guidance. That is why I have to say I really respect the stage parents who really have a handle on life. Thanks for stopping by!

Mike said...

Good list. I can't believe I forgot about OJ!

ShannonW said...

OJ has gotten to be rather annoying these days and Michael Jackson has turned into a freak!

Kimber said...

Great list!

Teena in Toronto said...

Brangelina bore me! Ha!

I played too :)

Jennifer Coomer said...

Thanks for visiting my blog.

I didn't even think of OJ.

Anonymous said...

Looks like we feel the same way about Tom Cruise :) Great list, btw!

YellowRose said...

Good ones, and I agree with them!! OJ makes me sick!


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