So You Think You Can Dance: I haven't gotten to the point of having any favorite dancers yet. My favorite dance of the week was the Paso Doble (if I'm spelling that right) by Kherington and Twitch. Of course, it doesn't hurt that the Paso Doble is one of my favorite dances, so as long as the couple does a competent job, it will probably end up being my favorite dance of the night.
On last night's elimination show, there was a performance by a guy who auditioned and then later decided he preferred to continue what he was doing (I think he was a successful street performer in Venice, California) rather than continue with the show. I didn't like the way Nigel kept picking on the guy for quitting. That was really uncomfortable. If you're going to invite someone to be on your show, at least be a gracious host to your guest.

Fear Itself: This show has the creepiest intro! The episodes have been kind of hit and miss. Last week's serial killer wedding episode was definitely a miss--terrible acting! Last night's episode in the police station was rather lame. We were mostly making fun of it, and I got a lot of crocheting done since it wasn't mesmerizing and was very predictable. To the laugh factor was added that this police station seemed to have hardly any weapons, no back-up generator, no flashlights and no police personnel checking in.

Last Comic Standing: My favorite of the night was Marcus. I was laughing out loud through most of his routine. I could have done without Richard Belzer's pontification about and denunciation of making fun of stereotypes, especially when he turned right around and said it was okay to make fun of stereotypes if it was your own in regard to the Korean girl. He really didn't need to do all that preaching since the audience had already panned the guy, and the biggest problem the guy had as a comic was that he simply was not funny.
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