With less than two days left before the next month's CAL block pattern is announced, it looks like I've only managed to get four of these nine afghans caught up this month.
This is the one I call Afghan 6, and like all of these nine CAL afghans, it is being crocheted with Red Heart Super Saver yarn.

After I got caught up on these squares, I started designing my The Friday Night Knitting Club afghan square for My Reading Afghan since I finished reading the book a couple nights ago. I'm almost finished knitting it up, so picture and pattern hopefully will soon be forthcoming.

Next on the list is to sew together the completed 23-inch squares (they are so giant compared to these 12-inch squares!) for the Pineapple Square Afghan. Once that is done, all that will be left to complete that afghan will be crocheting the border.

Also, every night Husband is asking me if his Flag Kippah is finished yet, even though he can plainly see that it is still only about a 3 or 4-inch circle right now. I just can't crochet with that little hook and black thread for very long at a time even with perfect light and magnification!

Once those things are done, I'll go back to the Ravelry CAL Afghans and continue playing catch-up, beginning with Afghan 7. I think I got three of the afghans caught up in March and now four in April, so maybe I'll be able to get five of them caught up in May.

If I can keep up that pace, I can hopefully get all nine completed by the end of the year. Well, maybe at least all the squares finished, if not all the joining and borders.

Marlee wasn't a big surprise. I was actually amazed she did as well as she did and lasted as long as she did.
I didn't expect Carly to win American Idol, but I did expect her to last longer than she did. She's certainly a much better singer than at least two of the singers left, namely Brooke and Jason, but oh well.
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