My 14-year-old daughter was recently honored by the local VFW (Veterans of Foreign Wars) post for submitting the winning entry in a recent contest to name the theme for Loyalty Day 2008.
She received a U.S. Savings Bond and a beautiful certificate of appreciation whch states, in part:
"Your suggestion for the 2008 Loyalty Day theme, '[our community]--Home of Veterans', is indicative of your loyalty and concern for America's ideals, freedoms, traditions and the foundation which has insured these goals. Your actions alone are commendable, and we hope will serve to awaken in others an awareness of the constant need to cherish and protect this nation against all its enemies."
Naturally, we're very proud of her.

I think this post would be a good place to include pictures of the flagpole Husband installed in front of our house a couple days ago.

We're hoping it will hold up to the wind. It's always a hold-your-breath kind of thing when putting something like that outside here because the wind is usually blowing and usually blows very hard rather than soft.

We once had a beautiful metal windmill out in front, and one day when the wind picked up, we heard a bunch of metallic groaning, and sure enough, the windmill was completely torqued and twisted, lying on its side with the ground anchors pulled out.

While I was outside taking pictures, I noticed that the cacti are starting to bloom, so it will be really colorful and pretty around here for a while.

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