As it turns out, I could not bear to frog 'The Fish'. So, I neatly wove in the many ends and gave it the same treatment as any other FO (finished object).

I cleared off a big space on my desk for 'The Fish', and now it is the new resting place for my little betta tank.

The bettas seem happy with it, though it does make them look kind of plain now.
Um, that "tank" is WAY too small for 1 betta fish, let alone two.
As I work in a pet store, I encounter this alot. I wish I could take them off the shelves.
A betta fish should have at least a 1 gallon tank to itself.
Also, constantly keeping two males in sight of each other causes stress and early death. I know these tanks are marketed as "stimulating" the fish, but frankly thats a bunch of bs.
If given the proper care, a betta can live up to 6/7 years.
Just go buy two $10 fishbowls. Your bettas will be happier and live longer, I can guarantee you.
Thank you for your comment.
My bettas (pictured above) are almost 5 years old, and they've been living in that container the whole time. The divider in the container is opaque, so they do not see each other.
I've had bettas all my life since childhood, and they've always done well in less than 1 gallon of water.
Bettas are very hardy, and they don't die prematurely if they are fed properly and their container is cleaned regularly and thoroughly.
It is in the pet stores, where the male bettas are kept in clear containers right up against each other, that I see the flaring and fighting posturing going on.
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