Pineapple Square Afghan: Yes, I actually did start a new afghan. This may be a new record for me for the most works in progress at the same time. I love the color of this yarn. It's called Painted Desert. You can see it a little better in the close-up picture, but the actual color is still more brown than it looks in the pic. The pineapple pattern is one of my favorites, and I've made several things with pineapples in them. Mostly I remember a poncho I made as a teenager that was all pineapples like this. I loved it and wore it for years. Can't remember what happened to it. Probably ponchos went out of style and I got rid of it. Too bad because it would be totally in style today again. Oh, well.

American Idol: It was really weird. Some of the guys that didn't do so well the previous week did great this week. For instance, Luke Menard. I thought he did great this time after being totally out of tune last time. He talked about being in an a capella group. I wonder if that made it more difficult for him to adjust to singing with a band and maybe that caused his pitch problems the first week? Michael Johns, whom I liked from the beginning, did not do very well this week. He's originally from Australia, but I wonder if he's a naturalized citizen. I don't want anyone to win 'American Idol' if they're not an American. I loved David Cook again this week, and of course, David Achuleta was awesome again. Right now, I'd say he's the most likely to win the whole thing. The girls were about the same, I thought, though my favorite, Ramiele, did not do as well as last week, so that was a disappointment. It feels like they're really trying to push that Carly Smithson down our throats, and I'm just not a fan. In addition to her being a has-been who has already had a major recording contract and CD and all, if she hasn't become an American citizen, she has no business being on 'American Idol'. If she's an Irish citizen, she needs to be on 'Irish Idol' or 'European Idol' or something like that.
Big Brother 9: This is the most boring Big Brother ever. I think forcing them to compete in 2-person teams must be stifling and constraining everybody. If it weren't for the drama of the health emergencies, it would have been a big yawner so far. I'm amazed that kind of thing didn't happen sooner with people having to eat that nasty-tasting slop. I'd rather not eat at all than to eat something so nasty. And apparently that's what happened to Amanda--not enough food led to the hypoglycemia. I wonder what set off Allison's allergic reaction? Was she on slop, too? Wouldn't surprise me. I think they need to go back to peanut butter and jelly sandwiches rather than that yucky slop.
Lost: Lost is on tonight--can't wait! It's apparently supposed to be a Desmond-centric episode, so looking forward to that. Really curious to find out how Kate got little Aaron in her clutches, but that probably won't be revealed for a while. And why doesn't Jack want to see him? I'm still wondering if she was actually pregnant and just named her own baby Aaron. As usual, lots to speculate about. I definitely want to know why Sayid is under Ben's thumb.
Where did you find the pattern for this one? I just love it! What kind of yarn is it? Love, your lilsistah
Along the left-hand side of the page, the names/titles of the each of the projects is also a clickable link which will take you to the pattern (if it is available online), or, as in this case, to the product description page on the website where I ordered the pattern or the book the pattern is in.
When you click on the title, 'Pineapple Square Afghan', the link will take you to the product description page for the booklet, 'Pineapple Afghans', at the Frugal Knitting Haus website, which is where I ordered the booklet.
The afghan I'm making is the one pictured on the booklet cover on the right behind the insets. It's shown in green on there.
I'm just a few stitches away from finishing the second (of six) of these 23-inch blocks, so just four more blocks, the sewing together and then the border still to go.
Oh, I forget to add that the yarn is Red Heart Super Saver in Painted Desert.
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