The Ravelry CAL Afghans: I got two more of the Cross My Heart squares done last night--for afghan 2 and afghan 4. The reason there is not yet an afghan 3 on display is because I still need to get the colorway for that one figured out as well as buy the yarn for it. The starting of afghan 5 is delayed for the same reason. But I need to stick with these number labels because that is what helps me keep track of the recipient for each one. Well, basically I just need to look at the squares and yarn to know who it's for, but for the purposes of my blog and Ravelry notebook, I
need a label for each one, and I'd like to retain a little mystery rather than labeling each one So-and-So's afghan. So far, my favorite colorway is afghan 4. Those colors are right up my alley. I'm liking the Cross My Heart block more than the Dreamcatcher block. Hoping to get both blocks done in each of seven colorways before the March block is posted for the group.

Big Brother 9: Okay, that 46-year-old woman, Sheila, is disgusting. Apparently no one ever taught her any manners, and apparently she has no idea she's supposed to be playing a game, the goal of which is to win. Why does she think she's such a prize as to be so picky, and who cares
anyway since the whole point of going on the show was to play the game and try to win--not to find your 'soulmate'. The 'soulmate' twist was not known to the participants until it was sprung on them after they were in the house, so what grounds does she have to be so offended by getting matched up with the guy she got? No matter who you get matched up with, you should just try to work with them to be able to strategize as a team with an eye toward winning. She must have done a great job teaching her son some great values, good manners and basic human empathy..... not!

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