The Butterfly Project: I finished the third butterfly last night. I'm kind of used to the many-colored thread now and ended up liking how it turned out.
Pinwheel Sweater: After finishing the third butterfly, I was more than ready for some relaxing 'mindless' knitting on the Pinwheel Sweater. I've completed 125 rounds now!
Lost: Still trying to catch up on the back episodes of 'Lost', and still only on Season 1. After investing the time I already have, I will be so upset if ABC takes these off the site before I can get finished viewing them all.
The Spelling Bee: My 13-year-old son competed in the county-wide Spelling Bee last week, having won the Spelling Bee at our local school and thus becoming our school's representative at the county event. Sadly, about 3/4 of the kids were out on the first round. From my observation, this was partially due to the kids still being very nervous and rushing through when it was their turn. Very few asked the questions they are allowed and encouraged to ask and seemed to just want to hurry up and get their time on the stage in the spotlight over with. But the other problem was the 'pronouncer'. She did not do a good job, and had I been the parent or teacher of the some of the children who fell victim to her poorest pronunciations (such as 'tek-ah-med-ur' for tachometer), I would have filed a protest. In the case of my son's bad luck of the draw, he was felled by the word 'begonia'. Since, as he put it afterward, "I've never heard that word in my life!", even the best pronunciation may not have helped him spell it correctly, so I didn't protest. I was very proud, though, that upon being presented with a word he didn't know, he took his time and asked appropriate questions--for the word to be repeated, for the definition and for it to be used in a sentence. He didn't rush through his turn, so at least he put all he could into it and gave it his best shot. BTW, the pronouncer pronounced it 'big-own-yuh' instead of 'beg-own-yuh'.
Today's Scripture Reading: Shemu'el Alef (1 Samuel) 2:18-5:12
Dinner Tonight: Dad's Super Bowl Chili again! Super Yum!!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Butterfly 3 Finished
Posted by Me
Crocheting-The Butterfly Project,
Knitting-Pinwheel Sweater,
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