About Me

Arizona, United States
I'm a work-at-home mom who enjoys the beautiful sunsets here in the high desert.

My Designs

For the free patterns for these afghan squares I designed for My Reading Afghan, click here.

My Recently Completed Projects

On The Hook

Ravelry CAL Afghan 1 in progress
Ravelry CAL Afghan 1

Ravelry CAL Afghan 2 in progress
Ravelry CAL Afghan 2

Ravelry CAL Afghan 3 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 3 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 3

Ravelry CAL Afghan 4 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 4 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 4

Ravelry CAL Afghan 5 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 5 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 5

Ravelry CAL Afghan 6 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 6 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan 6

Ravelry CAL Afghan 7 in progress (squares 1-4)Ravelry CAL Afghan 7 in progress (squares 5-8)
Ravelry CAL Afghan--Flower Burst 7ARavelry CAL Afghan--Flower Burst 7B
Ravelry CAL Afghan 7

Ravelry CAL Afghan 8 in progress
Ravelry CAL Afghan 8

Ravelry CAL Afghan Blocks:
Dream Catcher
Cross My Heart
Chocolate Delight
Flower Burst

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Rosh Chodesh Sameach!

Scripture Reading: Rosh Chodesh 10 (Head of the 10th Month)

Bemidbar (Numbers) 28:1-15
Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 66:1-24
Kefa Alef (1 Peter) 2:4-10

Pinwheel Sweater: I've made it to round 68--yay! Considering that every other round increases the total stitch count by 8, it's like each round is a bigger accomplishment than the rounds before it. There are now 35 stitches in each section of the pinwheel, so a total of 280 stitches on the needles. Round 1 started with 8 stitches on the needles, so the circle has grown a lot. I've also used up 1 skein of yarn and have started using the 2nd skein now. I only have 10 skeins of this color, so I hope it will be enough. As long as I can get all the knitting done with this color, though, I could try using a matching solid color for the crochet edges.

The Biggest Loser: It was kind of a foregone conclusion that Neil would be gone if he went below the yellow line, so no big surprise there. It certainly is a nice irony that the last 4 standing were among those who were rejected on the first show when teams were chosen schoolyard style. They must feel like kings and queens of the hill now that all those who rejected them are gone and they're still in the running. It seems pretty obvious that Bill should win. He's been very strong and consistent throughout. Why is it that in this competition the men always seem to lose quicker and in bigger amounts than the women?

Chanukah Reading Tonight:

Bemidbar (Numbers) 7:48-59
Zekaryah (Zechariah) 2:14-4:7
Yochanan (John) 9:1-7; 10:22-39



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