Scripture Reading on Preparation Day: Vayikra (Leviticus) 27; Bemidbar (Numbers) 1
Chanukah Reading, Erev Shabbat:
Bemidbar (Numbers) 7:18-29
Zekaryah (Zechariah) 2:14-4:7
Yochanan (John) 9:1-7; 10:22-39
Torah Portion: Mikeitz (At The End)
Torah: Breisheet (Genesis) 41:1-44:17
Haftarah: Melakim Alef (1 Kings) 3:15-4:1
Ketuvim Netzarim: Mattithyahu (Matthew) 27:15-46; Romans 10:1-13
Chanukah Reading after Havdalah:
Bemidbar (Numbers) 7:24-35
Melakim Alef (1 Kings) 7:40-50
Yochanan (John) 9:1-7; 10:22-39
Today's Scripture Reading: Bemidbar (Numbers) 2-3
Beanless Turkey Chili from newsletter: This was really, really good. Everyone loved it. We had the leftovers last night, and it was still yummy. We used ground turkey breast for the meat. Since we were out of onions and so weren't able to have them in this first batch, we're going to plan to have this again soon with onions. It will probably be even tastier that way!

The Butterfly Project ( I finished

the second butterfly Thursday night, and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It is smaller than the first butterfly and not
quite as flat. The wings are a little 'ruffly'. Also, the first butterfly is really more of a butterfly 'shape' while the second butterfly has a body, head and antennae and makes more of an effort to emulate a butterfly, I guess. I discovered that the deadline for The Butterfly Project has been extended to June 30, 2008, so I'm taking a break from the butterflies for now.

Denise Interchangeable Knitting Needles: Preparation Day

(Friday) is my day to do shopping and errands. My first stop was the post office, and I got a package, opened it and found the Denise Interchangeable Knitting Needles!!! I was so excited. My sister got them for me, and I just kept bouncing up and down in my seat, exclaiming to my daughter, "She got me the Denise needles! Can you believe it? That is so awesome! Yay!" A great big Thank-You to my sister!!!

Pinwheel Sweater: It has stormed terribly the last two Fridays,

Friday being my only day to be able to go to town and get errands and shopping done. This makes the whole process very unpleasant, from the long drive there through the nasty weather to every time having to get out of the car being blasted with the cold wind and rain. With that and since the Holocaust Museum Houston extended its deadline for The Butterfly Project as well as my sister gifting me with my new Denise needles, I figured it was a good time to start making me the sweater I've had my eye on for a while. I'm combining two patterns available on worsted-weight Pinwheel Sweater and the Lara Pinwheel Sweater. I'm using worsted-

weight yarn, so I'm following that pattern for the main body of the sweater, but I want to use the crocheted edges for the body and the sleeves from the Lara version.
This was my first time using the technique of knitting in the round on two circular needles instead of a set of double-point needles. After the circumference got big enough, I was able to switch to one circular needle. As of now, I

have 48 rounds done. I'm estimating that it will be 168 rounds until I get to the outside crochet border. The name of the colorway I'm using is 'Farmland', and I'm really enjoying seeing the color patterns develop has I knit along.

Survivor: With reality shows, it is more often getting to the point where I don't care who wins because none of the participants is likable enough. That's been the case with this season of Survivor. I kind of respected James because of his skills and work ethic, but then he made an avoidable mistake and is now gone. Of those left, I just can't muster up enough caring to root for any of them. I suppose at this point Amanda should be in front for being the main mastermind behind the get-rid-of-James-now plot, but I can't really get behind her because I liked James. So, it's kind of ho-hum in regard to Survivor lately.
The Next Great American Band: Well, you know I love the Clark Brothers, but I think Sixwire

really knocked it out of the park this time. Their harmonies are absolutely wonderful, and that original song should be on the radio right now! I was totally disappointed that Dot Dot Dot got sent home before Light of Doom. While I do like the kids, I definitely like Dot Dot Dot better. What we've found most interesting about this show is that our top 3 picks from the very beginning of the show were Clark Brothers, Sixwire and Denver & The Mile-High Orchestra, and they are all still standing. It seems like with these vote-in shows, usually we're not on the same page as the rest of America, but this time we seem to be on the same wave length. I think it is such a chop on that Dicko guy that Denver and them are still in it because he's been negative to them throughout. Has he never heard of that successful-for-decades-even-though-it-has-a-brass-section band, Chicago?
Tonight's Chanukah Reading:
Bemidbar (Numbers) 7:30-41
1 Maccabees 4:36-61
Yochanan (John) 9:1-7; 10:22-39
Dinner Tonight: Tacos.
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