Lev 11:46 ‘This is the Torah of the beasts and the birds and every living creature that moves in the waters, and of every creature that creeps on the earth,
Lev 11:47 to make a distinction between the unclean and the clean, and between the living creature that is eaten and the living creature that is not eaten.’ "

Cheesy Mexican Chicken (link to recipe in yesterday's post): The whole family thought this tasted really good, but all agreed that it needed more sauce, so the next time we have it, I'll try doubling everything but the chicken breasts, corn chips and rice.

Crochet Snuggle Tubbie and Cat Tunnel: It's going much faster now, and I should be able to finish Snuggle Tubbie #2 in the next couple days. I'm close to running out of the black yarn I've been using, and when I do, I'm going to switch to the last skein I have of the same yarn, which happens to be white. It's Wal-Mart Mainstays, and it is my least favorite among the worsted-weight yarns I have on hand, so I thought this would be a good use for it since it's going to get really dirty and beat up. I don't think I'll be purchasing any more of that brand unless it's going to be for a rugged utilitarian use like this. I'm planning to make a Snuggle Tubbie #3 in the large size, and if that doesn't use up all the Mainstays yarn, I'll move on to another pattern I have for a cat play tunnel. In fact, I'll probably go ahead and make the tunnel anyway even if I have to use some of the other yarn I have on hand. Before I can make it, though, I have to get the metal craft rings that are needed for the tunnel to maintain its shape. Wal-Mart didn't have any, so I'm going to have to look for them online.

'Til Death: We laugh a lot when we watch this sitcom. I've loved Brad Garrett since he was on 'Everybody Loves Raymond', but the rest of the cast are great, too. I think the next-door neighbor, Steph, tends to get the best lines. Anyway, the interplay between the four main characters is usually pretty funny.

Kid Nation: So far, I've refrained from commenting on this show because who wants to say anything negative about kids? A lot of the fun of talking about reality shows is poking fun at the people on them, but when the people on the show acting childish are actually children, that's pretty much to be expected and not very notable. It's the adults on reality shows who act childish and socially inept that invite biting commentary. For some reason, my children keep begging to try out for this show, but I'm still saying 'no'.

Kitchen Nightmares: The episode we watched was about an Italian restaurant called Campania in New Jersey. My favorite part was when Gordon told off the nasty old woman customer who did nothing but make untrue complaints about the food. Apparently she has quite an influence on her family (or whoever the 'lucky' people at her table were) since none of them dared disagree with her and went along with her complaining feedback. Nothing like ruining everyone's evening out by causing an ugly scene. Or maybe they all do that on a regular basis in an effort to get a free meal.

Clash Of The Choirs: We're really looking forward to this upcoming show, which I believe is supposed to begin December 17. It sounds like people try out for the celebrities, who then pick who they want in their choir. Loved Drew Lachey in Dancing With The Stars, so looking forward to getting to know his brother Nick on this new show.

The Moment Of Truth: This is a new show coming up on Fox. Apparently it's kind of controversial because contestants have to answer 21 questions while hooked up to a lie detector. If they pass the test, they get $500,000, so lots of incentive to be completely honest. The catch is that they're going to get asked all kinds of sensitive, intimate and perhaps self-incriminating questions. I read that a version of the show airing in another country got canceled after a woman admitted that she had hired a hitman to kill her husband. I guess it was worth the prize money to confess to a felony! Of course, we never cease to be amazed by all the things people will do to humiliate themselves on TV, so I think Husband has already programmed it into the DVR.
Dinner Tonight: Beef Bruschetta Skillet
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