Scripture Reading: Shemot (Exodus) 4-6
My bettas are amazing! When I got home, I discovered that no one had fed them while I was gone! While this was an extremely distressing thing to find out after being gone for a week, I couldn't help but be impressed by my little guys' ability to survive under such deprivation.
The two of them live in a little divided tank on my desk and keep me company when I'm working. I changed their water and cleaned their little home this morning, and they are beautiful as usual.
I keep a little kitty rock on top of the tank lid to make sure neither one can make their way over the divider to hurt the other. Bettas are also known as Siamese Fighting Fish, and the males will tear each other up if they can get to each other. I learned this the hard way when I was a teenager and decided to breed them. I had a large tank with dividers that held all of my males separately. I came home from school one day to find them all torn up and not in their proper places because apparently the lid to the tank had not been adequately secured.

I think it's kind of funny that I now have a 'cat' watching over my pretty fish.
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