Here they are after I got the bedding changed and after Velvet got them all cleaned up and dry.
Velvet loving on her babies. Notice the one under her that she's rubbing her head against.
The kittens trying to find their num-nums.
There are four of them--3 females, 1 male. The male is a tuxedo, and he hisses a lot, which totally cracks me up--so fierce in his tinyness! The females are: A solid gray, a tortoiseshell and a tortoiseshell-and-white. Velvet is a gray tortoiseshell-and-white, and she has the most beautiful green eyes.

Velvet is so pretty! The kittens are adorable :D
Oh my goodness!!! Those babies are just beautiful!!! Way to go Mama! I love cats, but how wonderful it is to have kittens around. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog to see Jazzy.
OH MY GOODNESS.....how SWEET!!!!! Congratulations!!! I haven't had a litter of kittens in YEARS.....just so very sweet to watch them grow!!
Ooooh! Look at those wee little babies! Congrats to the Mom. You need to get some video of the fierce hisser. I bet it's hilarious! :-)
Oh, how sweet! Great pics!
Thanks for commenting on my "Whiskers on Wednesday."
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