FOR TODAY... Yom Sheni, the 10th day of the 4th monthOutside My Window... It has been raining off and on throughout the day, so our evaporative coolers have not been very effective in keeping the temperature inside the house as comfortable as I would like. It's fun to watch the rain coming down, though.I am thinking... and wondering how my husband is doing on his first day back at work after being in the hospital again.I am thankful for... my husband's heart to do his best to support our family under difficult circumstances.From the kitchen... This week's dinners:Chicken Breasts with Rosemary*Rice and GravyTuna a la KingChili SpaghettiSteak with Do-Ahead Mashed Potatoes*Beef Roast and PotatoesBeans and Cheeseburger Macaroni(*these recipes are from 'Fix-It and Forget-It Lightly' by Phyllis Pellman Good)I am wearing... a green dress and a black snood.I am creating... the 'Knit One, Kill Two' square for My Reading Afghan, currently on the needles, and the 'Middlesex' square, also for My Reading Afghan, still in my head.I am going... to town later in the week to do the usual weekly errands and shopping.I am reading... The Scriptures in Chronological Order:Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 1-18Parashat Pinchas (Phinehas [dark-skinned]): Torah--Bemidbar (Numbers) 25:10-29:40Haftarah--Melakim Alef (1 Kings) 18:46-19:21Ketuvim Netzarim--Yochanan (John) 2:13-25; Romans 11:2-32'Restoration' by D. Thomas Lancaster'Around The World In 80 Days' by Jules Verne'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen (listening to it on CraftLit)I am hoping... my husband stays healthy.I am hearing... the kids chasing each other around the house, laughing.Around the house... is the usual laundry pile-up that needs to be tackled. Have a bunch of medical insurance paperwork that has to be done first, though.
One of my favorite things... is newborn kittens--we have 4!A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Still need to mail the package of books to my mother.Also need to call my mother.Need to catch up on work for my job that I missed during Husband's hospitalization.Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

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