FOR TODAY...Yom Sheni, the 3rd day of the 4th month
Outside My Window...There was a cactus wren perched upside down on the ceiling of the veranda! By the time I got the camera, he had flown away.
I am thinking...about how I only have a few more minutes to finish this Daybook entry before I have to log in for work.
I am thankful for...having a littler bit cooler night last night than the night before.
From the kitchen...This week's dinners:Easy Beef*Steak and Do-Ahead Mashed Potatoes*Cheeseburger Soup*Chicken Breasts with Rosemary*Steak and Pizza Potatoes*CC (Company's Coming) Roast*Beans and Cheeseburger Macaroni(*these recipes are from 'Fix-It and Forget-It Lightly' by Phyllis Pellman Good)
I am wearing...a pink and black print dress and a black snood.
I am creating...the 'Knit One, Kill Two' square for My Reading Afghan.
I am going...on my usual weekly shopping trip on Preparation Day (Friday) and until then trying to make sure I remember to write down everything I need to get and to do while I'm in town.
I am reading...The Scriptures in Chronological Order:Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 52-66Dibre HaYamim Bet (2 Chronicles) 33-35Tsephanyah (Zephaniah)Parashat Balak (destroyer):Torah--Bemidbar (Numbers) 22:2-25:9Haftarah--Mikah 5:6-6:8Ketuvim Netzarim--Romans 11:25-32'Restoration' by D. Thomas Lancaster'Middlesex' by Jeffrey Eugenides'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen (listening to it on CraftLit)
I am hoping... my cat, Velvet, has her kittens soon. She looks like a basketball with legs sticking out.
I am hearing... only a slight drone from the coolers because I have my new noise-cancellation headphones on.
Around the house... I'm still trying to get to the bottom of the mending basket.
One of my favorite things... is chili cheese dogs with onions, which is what we had on the Fourth of July.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Catch up on work for my job.Catch up on laundry.Mail package of books to my mother and birthday card to my nephew.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...
If you would like to participate in The Simple Woman's Daybook, visit Peggy's blog, The Simple Woman, and read the guidelines here.
Hello fellow Arizonan!! (Is that how you say it?)
When you spoke of studying the scriptures in order you used the Hebrew names, yes?
My children and I did a year of feasts in our schooling and they still speak of it. I have a heart for the Jewish people so when people speak of it my heart flutters.
Thanks for sharing,
You do beautiful work.
I haven't heard of craft lit yet, but you can count on the fact that I'm heading over there right now. I've been subscribing to so I can listen to books on my ipod...
Have a wonderful weekend.
Robyn--Yes, I try to use the Hebrew names, the ones I know anyway. Our kids enjoy the feasts, too, especially camping out during Sukkot.
Kadezmom--Thank you for your compliment! I've really been enjoying the CraftLit podcasts. I listen in the car with the kids, and even they ended up liking it after initially complaining about having to listen to "that stuff."
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