FOR TODAY...Yom Sheni, the 26th day of the 3rd month
Outside My Window...
I am thinking... about the heavy work day I have ahead of me.
I am thankful for... the love of my family.
From the kitchen... This week's dinners:
Slow-Cooker Barbecued Chicken*
Beef Burgundy*
Stew in a Snap*
Barbecued Chicken Breasts*
Steak with Mashed Potatoes*
CC (Company's Coming) Roast*
Cheeseburger Macaroni
(*these recipes are from 'Fix-It and Forget-It Lightly' by Phyllis Pelman Good.)
I am wearing... a dark blue dress.
I am creating... the Shining Star baby blanket and an afghan square to represent the book, 'Knit One, Kill Two' by Maggie Sefton, for My Reading Afghan.
I am going... to town to go shopping, but not until Preparation Day.
I am reading...
Daily for this week: Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 38-51; Mikah 1-7; Dibre HaYamim Bet (2 Chronicles) 32
Rosh Chodesh: Bemidbar (Numbers) 28:1-15; Shemuel Alef (1 Samuel) 20:18, 42; Yeshayahu (Isaiah) 66; Kefa Alef (1 Peter) 2:4-10
Chukat (Statute): Torah--Bemidbar (Numbers) 19:1-22:1; Haftarah--Mishpatim (Judges) 11:1-33; Ketuvim Netzarim--Yochanan (John) 3:10-21; Ibrim (Hebrews)9:11-28
Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides
I am hoping... to meet my work quotas.
I am hearing... the evaporative coolers on 'high'.
Around the house... I realize that I need to get all the mending done before I tackle dejunking.
One of my favorite things... is being able to come back into the cooler house after being outside where it is very hot right now.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week:
I'm so overwhelmed with my job right now that I won't be able to focus on anything else until tomorrow.
Here is a picture thought I am sharing...

If you would like to participate in The Simple Woman's Daybook, visit Peggy's blog, The Simple Woman, and read the guidelines here.
Thank you for the comment on my sunrise picture ~ I love all your kitties. :)
I know what you mean about work. I really need to buckle down and get this thing done then I can relax.:) Sweet kitty picture.
wow, look at all of those kittens!
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